Stahl Ear Deformity
The Stahl ear deformity is congenital ear deformity caused by an extra crease or fold in the cartilage of the upper, outer part of the ear that gives the ear a very pointed and prominent appearance. Some people have described the ear as looking elfish because of the pointed appearance. To appreciate the changes caused by the Stahl ear deformity first look at the anatomy of the normal ear.
The third crus (extra fold in the ear) extends to the edge (helical rim) causing the ear to look pointed. If detected in the first month of life, the Stahl deformity can be treated effectively with ear molding. If not caught in the first two months of life, the treatment for Stahl’s ear is to have a surgery called otoplasty.
The cartilage of the ear is very soft and weak before age five, so we usually wait until after five years of age to let the cartilage strengthen and increase the chance that the otoplasty will be successful. The key to this procedure is complete excision of the abnormal, third crus.